Really beautiful!
I think i have found a future legend here on Newgrounds! And she is called Ivy! I noticed this is your second film here, and I am mighty impressed!!!
The movie actually reminds me a little of Love Hina. (Your girl is alot cuter xD) I will go from the start, the loading sequence was very nice! What to me is one of the most important things when showing a movie is to introduce the movie well. Which you made an outstanding job at, you eaven have your own Trademark logo appearing after you press play, a stylepoint taken! Then the background is really cute aswell. With a feeling of anime you enter the movie.
What I notice second is the music, which is very encouraging and has a glad tune thru the movie, which gives the effect of a good mood. The music overall fit very well to the type of the movie! (Whatever they are singing xD)
There are not many things at all, that I got disturbed of, neither did I hardly find anything that you could have improoved.
But there are things of course. Perhaps try to get the movements and tweens to melt together more smoothly. You get a feeble feeling that the movements are a bit choppy, but it is nothing that you get disturbet of. But still you notice it unconsciously. Then, there are tiny graphical mistakes, the most obvious one is that you missed to colour a tiny part on the doorbell.
Then the arm and leg joints didn't connect perfectly. Last, the Replay button is a little weird, since when you hover the mouse over the text itself on the button you cannot push it, you gotta push beside it.
Outstanding movie! Vote: 5