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Ett bra jobb

Trevligt att se lite kvalitets arbete från en annan Svensk. Killen i filmen, du råkar inte ha tänkt på den nu mer eller mindre kända "bar-huggaren" som hugger tjejer med kniv?

En väldigt obehaglig och psykiskt störd film i stil med David Firth's filmer. Dock har dessa nu blivit något "vanliga" så stilpoängen blir lagomt utsatta.

Tyvärr hade jag inget ljud då jag kollade på filmen så du får ursäkta mitt betyg där men jag lovar att kolla om filmen igen och bedömmer helt efter de visuella effekterna och story.

Jag måste säga att jag älskade "låg bildkvalitets" effekten du har lagt till. Den är väldigt hjälpsam i att förmedla en otrygg och obehaglig känsla. Slutet på filmen var något kort och avhugget, men även det en viktig del i att skapa den där "Vad i-?" effekten som du lyckats med.

Röstar: 4

Holmen responds:

Tack för komplimangen.
Ärligt talat så hade filmen blivit mycket bättre om jag hade haft mer tid. (och ork) Bättre animationer defenitivt. Blev ett jäktjobb nu eftersom jag ligger i lumpen för tillfället. men tack för komplimangerna.

Perfect in almost every single aspect!!!

WOW! This was really something! It has been far to long since there has been a revolutionary movie like this on this site! This movie was funny, original and beautiful in every single way there ever had been!

First to say I really loved the well made intro sequence, if they are nice you always continue to watch. With almost an insurrance that the content is really great.

I'm though afraid I have to say that I very very strongly doubted to watch this movie for a looong time. That is because of ClockDay. I hardly couldn't bare to watch another clock movie after that. If they really love Clocks they did the very most stupid thing ever. They have eaven made clock fan's dissapointed and those who hated clocks, mass hate clocks. And that this one was released on about the same time as the extreme mass submitions, the score might have been effected negatively by that. Surely I hope people could watch the whole thing and give it the fair vote 5. But much is there to wish for...

I adore the way you mixed Newgrounds with Lord Of The Rings, it is really something that appeals to all of us Newgrounds fans and the huge bunch of LOTR fans. This must have been really carefully planned to mix NG with LOTR and the result ... omg.

The only thing that wasen't splendid were the sound. The storyteller sounded perhaps a little numb. Well, not that it is anything wrong with that cus that is also the storyteller in LOTR. But this one just didn't sound right. The other sounds though, were there nothing to complain about! All very clear.

Also have to give you a large + for not rushing the movie. It was about as long as the real movie. Great job. For a reasonable size. This was like a refreshing soda on a hot day! Vote: 5 !!!

StrangeClock responds:

Thanks for the review. I would like to stress again, though, that the Clockday events were not instigated by the Clock Crew. In fact, they weren't really instigated by anyone. People (mostly non-Clocks) just started relentlessly submitting Flash movies that they put together in a few minutes, putting "Clock" in the title and voting them past judgement to get more protection points. Most of us Clocks were horrified because our real, hard works were being buried in spam. Thankfully Tom did his best to salvage the good movies by adding a Clockday collection for them.

I must say I disagree about the storyteller, as do many other people who reviewed so far, but maybe you're used to hearing the more fanatic Flash voice actors who're trying to break into the world of professional voice acting and have a real chance at getting there.

Thanks again for taking the time to write this review.


I don't know what expression this movie gave me, I am just pretty blank in my mind about what to say...

At least you have chosen a good fitting song to the movie! It gave it an exciting atmosphere.

I don't know if you were joking when you colored the characters attack beams. You took the gradient filling that it so worn out my old raggy jeans just started to look better. And it looked horrible too. Please learn when to use gradient fillings! It is one of the most annoying things there is if it is used wrong. Watch "Lambi" series to get a little hang of when to use the gradient fillings.

There are other graphical things you should have kept in mind. I saw a white line at the bottom of the screen which means the movies size is a little slipped. And I didn't like the speach bubbles. One had white background to it, other were just black text out in the open with a line from it to the character. That was just messy, chose one type of speach bubble and stick to it. And I'd say it would be nicer if they were cleaner, easier to read.

Also you have made the people sitting in the restaurant transparent. Which means you can see that their limbs are connected since it shines through. It would have been better if you just laid a transparent light blue object on top of them if you wanted them to look faded by the window. Or tinted them slightly white. But otherwise that is a plus for living backgrounds!!!

Don't get mad at me if I say this movie is one of the easier types of animations. Since it is easy FBF'ing. By that I say that it was way short and that this serie really doesn't have to be a serie but a bigger movie instead. I think you want more movies than one big one. I can understand that, who wouldnt?

The FBF animating was ok. The characters bodies were like if they were blumps of ink splashed out on the screen. I liked it though! Nice style to that, that is the only reason you get anything in Style, otherwise, its stickmen fighting, and we all know that is old. Vote: 3

Black-Vincent responds:

wow!!!! how much time u take to write this!!! \(°.°)/
ok... thx for review my movie.


Why do I not get the feeling you worked really hard on this one? There are several reasons. I can start with the outlines, you can still see white lines at the end near the frames. Which means the size isn't really fitting. That can be arranged tho so I hope you change it.

Second, the animations somehow seemed a bit stiff. Like the water not moving, and the character not stopping to run when he stood perfectly still when he had ran down the stairs. Also when the soldiers shot the monsters ... hmm... the middle monsters head exploded frequently eaven witout the soldiers shooting at it.

The movie was all too short, it really didn't deliver anything as a follow up to the first movie. It should have had more substance. I also felt that you rushed through the movie, it felt very much like you were thrown around in the story. Suddenly they were there, then they ran over there ... Id really say it was rushed.

But what really was the worst thing with this movie, and I think a while bunch of people can agree - was the music. Duude! The music didn't fit in AT ALL!!! You have chosen hectic techno songs to a calm movie and it really gives me kind off a headache just watching this movie to that music. The last song ... I would recommend resubmitting this movie and fixing these things. The movie is a unsliced diamond basicly.

Well, there is nothing really WRONG with the overall story. But the text boxes were all too boring to read... They also were kinda clumsy sizewise and looked uncarefully placed. It would be more pleasant to read as a subtitle section down on the screen. Or if you could yourself push buttons to continue to the next speech bubble

I would also recommend a higher Frames Per Second value to the movie since the movements were a bit choppy.

I understand the hard work making a sprite movie. But it could have been oh so much better if it floated along better and the mistakes were fixed. Its not a bad movie, but I don't find it anything more than just OK. Vote: 2

Dusty-Gorilla responds:

Well thanks I will change as much as i can.

Another good MGS parody!

This one is definitly above the average of a quality MGS spoof.

What really made me have to give you a eight in sound was because of the coconut salesman's voice! Hahaha!!! How he rolled his R's! That voice was the most bullseye in the entire movie. Tho the other voices, ecpecially the Mantis voice sound kind off overacted. Did actually not like Mantis voice, Snakes was a little sour too. Id recommend to try to find someone with a deeper more hoarse voice than trying to act it out yourself, it just will not work and it will sound like you are some child talking quiet before jumping out of the closet to scare someone.

Graphics were good, but not really superb. The limb joints on the characters were gapy, also the fillings and colors were perhaps just a little out of style at some points, like the pictures in the background. Graphs were too bright at some spots, and shadowed and darker at some other points, making it pretty hard to fit with the overall art style.

I loved the humor though, eaven tho it'd be pretty easy to come up with some whacked stuff to some character who can read some one else's mind, you came up with some special funny and embarresing stuff!

The story was also a little hasted, you did not really know where they were and why and so on. Perhaps if you have played the game or something (what do i know) but thats something that perhaps should be a little more clear before we are just thrown into the situation. And that the movie was split into two parts was also kinda confusing, since the size could be twice as big witout any problems. So that just messed it up a bit.

It still was great overall, perhaps you could offer us some codec moments if you think of making further movies. Vote: 3

CiyFox responds:

Wow, this must be the biggest review i've gotten.
I guess my Mantis imression was realy bad huh?

Any one who's played the game should know where they are, but i guess...no i didn't make it clear for the people who haven't have i??


I'm a very big MGS fan and this was sort of my tribute to it and by the looks of it i, personaly i failed.

I don't see a peroblom my self with the background but if it's odd i'll try to improve.

It would have made more sence if i could put the second half on to it.

I'm not bothered about the score really i just wanted to make people laugh.

The second one's finished, but the exteras still need work. Hopefully, i'll have it up but next week.

Any way, i seem to be rambaling,
Thanks for the in depth review.

See ya later.

It was nice

A little step above OK i say. The art was very unproportional. But to that - originaly. But what brings down the scores is also the gradient fillings here and there. The sun looked terrible. Watch out when using radient fillings!

Humor was also ok. Not making me "LOL" but still cheering to the movie.

Story was also good. Made me watch it till the end.

Sound was pretty fun too, with his female like voice. But perhaps a little overacted overall.
Vote: 3

RogerregoRRoger responds:

Over course we were over reacting, this is imitating (and exagerating) the megaman X command mission game, which was already over acting ^^; heh
Well, glad you liked most bits of it then


The truth is that i have been waiting for a game-like worms flash for very long now. Now i finally saw one. What surprised me thought was that it was pretty much boring than id excpect it to be.
Well this is almost like the original worms, like a real round being played.

When working with something like this you have endless oppertunities to make something whacked and new. For instance the weapons has always been Worms trademark, for being ... just whacked. You just had the very basic weapons added. Not the Halo weapons though but their fire were really not different from the other.

What id want to see would be really hilarious weapons that you must press out of your imagination. Also weapon drops would be a nice little addon. You should also consider adding weapon menues being cycled when the worms are changing weapons.

Sound, were nice. Very much worm. But boring in the lenghts... so i dunno if you should add something more action filled in the background or not. Perhaps changed camera angles would add alot of effect to the movie?

But anyway congratulations for your first submit movie! And for the front page reward. You deserve it well. Now what i would want to see is another one of these, but perhaps with the tips i gave added? Vote: 4

Jack-Mace responds:

Okay!.. everythink read and notised..
i realy want to make a wacked worms thing. i am already working on it though! inventing new weapons andalike (not that its a problem, couse i am weard an wicked)! anyway Thanks for the review. and dont worry... i dont make the same mistakes twice!!!!


Your character, Techno cat, is really cool. Your style of animationg - also very cool! Like this idea. Keep working on it! Tho this ending was pretty stupid. Vote: 4

ultimate-destruction responds:


With that music?

I definitly thought this one was too boring. And with THAT song? Just did not match... the intro was way too long and eaven when it stoped the actual movie was too slow and with simple paper tricks. Which did not look that bad, well done actually. But it just doesn't connect. Id rather see a shorter and faster movie with more happenings and a little more cheering song. Vote: 1

EKublai responds:

If I create a second it's going to be twice as fast. thanks for the review

It was ok

l33tdave is one reason why NG gets a large minus of quality. Terrible users witout any knowledge of flash at all leaving horrible reviews with no brain into them. What probably is worse than a 0.00 score flash is a "l33tdave" user.

I am sorry if this movie might get blammed, but if so... I can explain why. The graphics were pretty good, except the explosions and smoothnes at some points. They did not melt into the spriteish style of the movie and stayed too long not moving and covered the screen at one point.

The story a little messed up. Since it felt like you did not have energy to finish the movie. When he came to that quit place, suddenly he was already at the boss right afterwards?! The level is longer than that and at least put something in there that we know its not a huge jump (like "and when Megaman arrives at...)

The sounds were pretty decent actually, nothing that disturbed or so.

I like sprite movies but this one just did not do for now. But don't give up, make more! Make storyboard of what you want to make and overwatch it, will it be good, can you time all scenes and make movie flow good? Storyboard is great help trust me!

Serpent101 responds:

*Gives $500*


Marcus Persson @Mp3Durahell

Age 37, Male

Portal Guard

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Great Sweden!

Joined on 6/11/03

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