A cool game!
Although I really liked it I felt like it was a interactive blueprint of something huge.
This game has alot and lacks alot in my opinion. You have done a really great job overall, a nice intro to the game where the space ship leaves the hangar ship and go out to the open space. Enough to make you get that "ok let's ROCK" feeling!
... but I never experienced that feeling fully. The first thing I reacted upon was that the game was pretty slow overall. Not that that is something negative but I would absolutely LOVE it 10 times more if it was a game of which tested your MICRO skills above any other skills. The top priority.
I don't know if you COULD get extra speed of something. Either way I think it was too hard to reach it even when you did. Make speed boost permanent and more easy to reach. Then when you die you lose them (kind of like Gradius).
One thing that disturbed me with the controls was that you could not shoot in any other angles than linear and upwads/downards. I so wanted to shoot up the corners. And that combined with the slow shuttle speed made the overall fluency pretty uninteresting.
The graphics... well, they were indeed interesting and retro. BUT!!! They made it pretty annoying after a while to see what you actually crashed into when you did crash into something. The small enemies and the metroids was almost like invisible to me. And did huge chunks of damage to you when you hit them.
The health overall should be easier to track. Since when I died I was almost not aware of what happened when I did die. Which felt pretty unfair.
The sounds were though the part I liked the most. Definitly nice retro and "shouty" sounds like old Commodore 64 sounds. The explotion sounds felt nice and they made it feel like the enemies really died violently.
To that you get a slight score of humor since It's always a little funny with retro sounds and retro-like graphics.
It's a good game definitly, but like I said it feels a bit uncompleted. Perhaps you could add more spice into the powerups aswell. With a time-period buff to your ship. Makes you alot stronger for a short while, then you will really FEEL the power of the powerups.
Thanks for the gaming experience overall, it's always good when peope make simple to play games which you can enjoy over and over again!
A vote of: 3