Aww come on!
This is a very nice idea, this could have been perhaps one of the funnier games on this site. But the programming and artworks are not properly working out at all.
First of all the movements are EXTREMELY choppy! I am talking about when you are turning your character, it goes about as smooth as it would if you tried to shred rocks in a mixing machine. Making it kinda hard to aim at your enemies most times. When you walked forward into a object such as a wall for an example the character just chopped back and forth all the time. Then the enemies movements were also very weird, they could be walking towards you walking sideways because the animations to what angle you are facing isn't working properly. So mostly I shot enemies in the sides when they were supposed to walk with their torso towards me...
Then the enemies AI is way off. They simply just walked forwards you all the time and every enemy moved the same. And if they faced an object on the way they simply kept going towards it witout trying to find a way around, they stuck. The enemies could also walk inside eachother witout any problems at all. They simply stack-attacked you which makes you able to take down several enemies. I like that idea that you could shoot miltiple enemies with one shot though, but that just feel so goddamn fake when they are stacked onto eachother!
Also the bullet system is way unsmooth... you cannot reload whenever you want to! That just sucks, since what that makes you do is to empty your magazine everytime you are supposed to walk into a new room. That just feel so ... SO - NO... But what I really HATED the most in this game that annoyed me like crazy were that there were no logical reasons whatsoever how you gaines damage from the enemies. They were like 5 dm from you and your health started to shrink with massive amounts. You should really think about adding animations for the enemies aswell when they attack otherwise it will just be so lame. And let there be feeling when they hit you so they don't stand way from you and still are able to kill you. Unless they have ranged attacks of course. Then when you killed the headless bigger zombies the blood puddle kept moving towards you when you had killed them.
I would definitly want to see some more variation in this game. I didn't really come far so I can't really tell whether there are enough variation enemies or variating weapons. But my guess so far would be that there simply are no such things.
The graphics are pretty ok. I personally don't like them though, mostly because you mixed pretty detailed backgrounds like the grass and such to simple colored items. That differs too much one to another. But they were ok.
The sounds were ... lame. They hade an intence glued-on feeling. You had like 2 sounds, the resident evil soundtrack and gunshot. No emeny sounds, no "hit target" sounds, no moanings, no sounds when you are hurt, no cocky comments from your character. I also found it very annoying when the RE song kept going over and over! I would strongly recommend that you cut out some pieces in the song so that it can loop witout that you can hear that it goes over and over again and make like a endless loop to the game.
I guess the story could work, but I say it was very brain spammed. Perhaps you don't want a super story to your game and that is ok. But we really don't know if you tried to make one or not since you didn't tell anything about how you came up with the story or how much you fought making it and so on. So we are just going to have to take it that you didn't want any real story.
Newgrounds has tons of games like these and I would recommend "Doomed" as one of them. This game is an unpolished diamond, this game genre is something you should continue working with. You might make a really good one some day! You have a long way to go but this was one good step in the right direction anyways. Vote: 1